Around The World With Lemongrass

As spring winds down and summer approaches, wanderlust sets in and the itch to travel builds. This year, more than ever, we are yearning for adventure, whether it be a trek in the mountains, lazy days spent on sandy beaches, or the hustle and bustle of a distant city. While we will be staying in place this year, we can still use our senses to help us explore: The scent of Lemongrass has a unique ability to instantaneously transport us to warm, far-off destinations.

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Roots Rose Radish
Connect to Nature - Start a Herbarium

Fostering a strong connection to the natural world starts with the most basic curiosity. Learn about the which plants surround us, what their properties are and how they might affect us through a DIY Herbarium and explore the pages of Emily Dickinson’s and Henry David Thoreau's collections.

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Roots Rose Radish