Pregnancy As A Time For Positive Change

Pregnancy is a time for re-evaluating what the body is exposed to. As a practicing Licensed Midwife, I work daily with childbearing folks who are interested in doing what's best for them and for our planet, and I am often asked a lot of questions about the toxicities in our environment and the best ways to reduce exposure. 


Our skin is our largest organ, therefore things we come into direct contact with can easily transfer to a growing baby. I recommend that we first look to our beauty regiments, think cleansers and makeup; particularly the pigments and binding agents in commercially marketed lipstick, blush and eyeshadow, which tend to contain toxic chemicals. Make the switch to all natural brands and toss or hold off on using synthetic perfumes. 


It can be very difficult to part with these products. Oftentimes, we’ve developed an emotional connection, making it hard to give them up. But know that you are eliminating one more toxin in your life, and most importantly, it's one less toxin that your baby’s body will need to filter out.



Pregnancy also presents an opportunity to enjoy and appreciate the bounty of nature. In fact, this is why I created Roots Rose Radish and our solid perfumes - to better connect to the magic of natural goodness, and to know that what we apply to our skin is also safe for our bodies, as well for a developing baby.


For more on birth and beauty read our interview with journalist Jessica DeFino on Fashionista.

Roots Rose Radish