Simple Spray-On Perfume Recipe To Try At Home

Do you have a special someone who likes a Spray-On perfume? Roots Rose Radish founder Christian Toscano recommends this easy and all natural recipe, it's also a fun way to spend an afternoon! Start with notes like sandalwood or vanilla which blend well with middle notes like geranium, ylang ylang, and rose. Top this formula off with lavender, neroli, magnolia, mandarin and you’ve got a signature scent!

You will need:

  • Essential oil blend - Use three essential oils: top, middle, base

  • Alcohol - Rubbing alcohol or witch hazel works

  • Glycerin - Use glycerin, like vegetable oil to add longevity to your formula, and help the cologne stick to your skin

  • Distilled water

  • Spray bottle


  1. Now the fun part! Use no more than 30 drops total. If one scent is much stronger than the rest, use less.

  2. Once you have your desired formula, add two ounces of alcohol.

  3. Mix and let sit for at least 48 hours, shake daily. Does not need to be refrigerated.

  4. Dilute: Once the fragrance is ready, it needs to be diluted. In a spray bottle, add two tablespoons of distilled water and five drops of glycerin. Swirl your bespoke fragrance mixture in, slowly and carefully.

And just like that, you're a perfumer with your own signature scent!

Roots Rose Radish